Function of Signage

The main purpose of signage is communication, to convey information such that its receiver can make cognitive decisions based on the information provided. In general, signage can be classified into the following functions:
(a) Information: signs giving information about services and facilities, e.g., maps, directories, instructions for use, etc.
(b) Direction: signs leading to services, facilities, functional spaces and key areas, e.g., sign posts, directional arrows, etc.
(c) Identification: signs indicating services and facilities, e.g., room names & numbers, toilet signs, number of floors, etc.
(d) Safety and Regulatory: signs giving warning or safety instructions, e.g., warning signs, traffic signs[traffic signs?:traffic signs], exit signs, rules & regulations, etc.
Accessible signage enables everyone to receive the information readily and use that information to move about his or her surroundings independently. Information can be conveyed to the users by written text, pictorial diagrams and symbols, as well as other media. Signage does not need to be limited to the conventional visual format. Multi-media signs can serve a wide range of users with different capabilities.