Accessories of cross stitch

In addition to the basic accessories required for cross stitch, including needles, fabric, and thread, there are a number of cross stitch accessories that can make a cross stitch project easier or more interesting. Some cross stitch accessories are basic, and may include frames, scissors, and places to keep thread or needles. Truly advanced cross stitch enthusiasts may invest in more complex cross stitch accessories, such as computerized design programs or specialized gloves. Additionally, there are purely decorative cross stitch accessories, such as slogan bags and posters.

Most people encounter a need for certain basic cross stitch accessories even when working on simple projects. Scissors to cut the embroidery thread, for instance, are essential. A beginner might use ordinary craft or kitchen scissors, but there are also special scissors for cutting these small threads. Decorative or antique scissors are often popular with cross stitch enthusiasts.