Make Your Clothes

Make Your Clothes[Clothes?:clothes paper cutter machine]

You've now sketched the design and created the pattern. Now it is time to construct the final product that will be worn.

Lay out the pattern pieces on top of the fabric.You'll want to create two sides of everything, so to make it easier, double over the fabric and cut both pieces at once.Think about the direction of the pattern pieces. Make sure the pattern pieces go with the grain of the fabric.Carefully cut the fabric.

2. Pin the pieces together.Lay out the pieces, lining up the edges that should be pinned together.Overlap the pieces a half-inch (the seam allowance) and pin the pieces together.
You can also use a dress form. The dress form should match your body, or the body of your model, as closely as possible for the best finished product. Add padding where needed.

3.Sew the garment[garment?:garment paper cutter machine].
4. Add closures, like buttons or zippers.
5. Add embellishments and accessories.
You're done! Take a step back and admire your genius. Don't be afraid to make any adjustments.Even if your first few outfits don't turn out the way you planned, at least you can say "I made this!" Keep practicing, hone your techniques and one day you may become a fashion designer or start your own clothing[clothing?:clothing paper cutter machine] line. Have fun!