CUTCNC DCE cutter plotter

DCE cutter plotters handle a wide range of materials with great precision, such as PVC[PVC?:PVC sample cutting machine], kraft paper[paper?:paper sample maker cutting machine], fibre, PP, PS, film[film?:film cutting machine]electronic material[electronic material?:electronic material high precision die cutting machine], composite material, sticker[sticker?:sticker], etc.

Various cutting table[cutting table?:sample maker cutting table] are available, with optional tool head configurations and material hold-down systems. The dual head design holds two tools: one for cutting blade; the other is for plotting pen or creasing stick. You can draw a test plot prior to cutting without exchanging tools, saving you time.

CUTCNC[CUTCNC?:cutting machine sample maker manufacturer] DCE cutter plotter[cutter plotter?:sample maker cutter plotter] offer cutting solutions in industries like electronic, packaging[packaging?:DCP-H series packaging sample cutter plotter], steel die cut, pattern design[pattern design?:pattern design cutting machine], etc.