sign board flatbed cutting table customer speak highly of our cutting table

Today I got email from one of our old customer, I ask his idea about our flatbed cutting table[cutting table?:sample maker cutting table], so he replied me this email. 


To whom it may concern:

In February 2012 I needed a table to cut PVC[PVC?:PVC sample cutting machine] board. I visited a packaging[packaging?:DCP-H series packaging sample cutter plotter] show in Houjie, Dongguan, China. I found out that there were 6 companies showing tables. I bought 8 sheets of 3mm white PVC board 4 feet x 8 feet and had them delivered to the show. My assistant/ interpreter and I carried them into the show and gave them to each company. I gave them a file to cut including name card size and curves and other cuts that would be a problem for this type of cutter.

I then took a Nikon digital camera to each booth and asked them to let us film[film?:film cutting machine] the cutting. Most did part of the sample well but AOKE was the clear winner. We negotiated a reasonable price and had it shipped to our warehouse in Michigan. We have been running it almost every day all day since we received it and we are considering getting another table to keep up with our growth.

We cut our cutting time an unbelievable 74% and estimate a 7 month payback.

David Stearns
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
US customer with flatbed cutter
David and cutting table in their sign shop 
sign board CNC cutting table
David studying the cutter 
engineer with their team of cuttign table
Our engineer with David's team 
flatbed cutting table sample maker
They were celebrating Christmas
I am so appreciate he tell the truth of our machine, and so happy to know our hard working, good machine and good service can be reward by this kind of good comments. We will continuely offer good products and service to customer. 
Hope they all can grow up with our machine, earning big money, have great investment return. 
Below link is the video of him test the machine on the show: 
Please read for reference, if you want ask his idea about our machine, you can call at: 
616 583 9400  616 318 3541   Or email at:
He will be so proud to tell you about his wise decision. 
Any other need our machine, please contact me freely: 
tel: 0086-13549354183
QQ: 2355895767
Skype: trinityhu
ICQ: 627-696-000