folding carton flat boxes


In the modern society there’s a high demand for corrugated box and folding carton[carton?:carton box sample cutting machine] flat boxes. These boxes are industrially prefabricated and are available in different sizes and shapes. There are basically two types of corrugated box, single and double wall. Single wall-boxes are much cheaper than  double wall folding carton flat boxes because of their simple design.
Two flat screens have to be repeated for the production of corrugated board with a sheet between two flat plates used in the corner. The middle layer is responsible for affording heavy loads.
CUTCNC[CUTCNC?:cutting machine sample maker manufacturer] offer folding carton flat boxes sample maker[sample maker?:sample maker cnc cutting machine] cutter plotter machine[plotter machine?:plotter machine], make sample and do small productions.  Help manufactures develop new products easily.